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Why Male Rape is Highest In Homophobic Countries

With these 4 points, you’ll begin to realize why male rape is highest in homophobic countries than countries that are not. 1. The Countries Protects Perpetrators Countries with homophobic laws protect perpetrators because they keep the victim silent with those same laws. Male child prostitution and slavery is most common in Muslim and Arab countries where the strictest laws exist on homosexuality and even fornication. For fornication, it is believed that lack of access to women in these communities encourage the men to look to male children and some men to satisfy their sexual needs. Children who are victims of these, naturally know to be silent because of the stigma, criminality and ignorance surrounding the topic. It’s even worse for adults who are victims of male sexual abuse; where will they go? Whom will they reach out to? What about the shame and the stigma that will come out of it? Beyond doubt, they stand the chance to face punishment too. So they would rather keep silent and act like it never happened. So the perpetrator knowing how safe it is for him, continuous in his actions because actually, it is safer to assault boys than girls. 2. Ignorance by Choice Many people will not take the time to learn, read or watch anything that will inform them about homosexuality to best become better guardians of wards and people in general. Access to such materials is even far reaching to be able to best understand. They therefore address issues wrongly when they are faced with them. So when victims in the LGBTQ community shares their abuse, their often either ostracized, preached to, exorcised among others without proper care for recovery. 3. The “I have a wife” card It is important that you note that being rapist has more to do with power than sexual pleasure; therefore it is no respecter of sexual orientation. Any rapist; gay or straight can possibly rape another man. Having said this, I just want to bring your mind to how easily an accusation can be thrown out in a society that is ignorant by choice. They believe that as long as a man is married to a beautiful wife, he can’t be gay or even have sex with another man. This practice has become increasingly popular in homophobic countries. That is how easy it is to cover up in homophobic countries which helps people who rape males too. 4. Many of these countries do not recognize male rape What do you do in a country where there is no provision for male rape in the laws or support simply because to them, male rape is not possible. What happens to you if you become a victim?   Richard Siaw

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Top 6 CCTV Footages of False Rape allegations In All History

Sexual abuse is such a sensitive issue that isn’t taken lightly at all. Sex offenders do not have it easy in the courts. They serve high prison sentences, are often brutalized and raped in prisons and even when they make it out of prison, their criminal record as a sex offender ruins their lives forever making it hard for them to be integrated back into the society. That’s why it is particularly hard for men who were not only accused of rape and abuse but to be falsely charged of something as despicable as that. In this post, we talk about top 6 men who were falsely accused  of rape and abuse. 6.Mary Hunt and Millionaire Ex-Fiance: The couple are known to have arguments. Burning of clothes, throwing away precious ornaments and jewelry and Mary Hunt’s extravagant lifestyle. But what wasn’t expected was Mary Hunt inflicting injuries on herself and reporting her ex-fiance as the culprit. What she didn’t know was that, there was a camera in the room when she was self inflicting. 5. The Selfie Guy He had broken up with his girlfriend. Yet, from nowhere he was accused of breaking into her ex girlfriend’s home and carving an axe in her chest. When this was reported, obviously it was hard to believe the guy in spite of his plead of innocence. It later came to light that at the time his ex-girlfriend reported that the incident had happened, the guy was out at an event with his family, when he took a selfie and posted it at the exact time on the internet. This proof cleared him and set him free. 4. Man accused of raping his 3 daughters; He was accused by his wife of raping his 3 daughters to make sure his husband is never happy in his life. All this came to light after a lie detector test was conducted. He later confessed to this happening and asked for forgiveness from his husband which was declined. 3. Raped Victim A girl threw himself at him at a club, she signaled her friend behind his back that he was going to have sex with him. After that night at her dorm room together with the guy, she goes to report that she was raped. This shock did not only affect the guy but also affected his education since a lot of things had to be held off until the school investigated on their own. The CCTV camera showing all these evidences was the only proof that exonerated the student.   2. 26 years wasted for a white woman He was imprisoned for 26 years for a crime he did not commit. He was charged for rape in the first degree, sodomy and kidnapping. He was only saved by DNA evidence and a subsequent confession by his accuser. She admitted that she made it all up. 1. Banks was wasted with a Kiss Only a consensual kiss without sex as a High Schooler became an accusation of rape. He lost his scholarship and dream to play in the NFL when he was charged with rape and spent 5 years in prison and another 5 in probation for a crime he did not commit. The truth came to light after his release. He received a request on facebook by his accuser who wanted to meet up with him. He met up with her, secretly filmed. She confessed to her lying to the court to keep a 1.5 million dollars settlement after suing the school district. In as much as I am so passionate about eradicating gender based violence that it is almost an emotional reaction for me when I encounter victims, these stories brings my mind to the between 2%-10% statistical proofs of false rape and abuse accusations reported to happen in the USA. Rape and abuse isn’t anything to lie about.Not only does it destroy unjustly the life of those who are falsely accused, it destroys the lives of others who are truly abused everyday. Some of these women faced prison sentences for lying while others went scott-free. Those that were punished didn’t face just sentences as compared to the damage they had cost by lying. If you liked this article, give it a thumbs up. And Comment Below. Richard Siaw

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My Fitness Journey

For those who knew me from my blogging days a few years ago, I liked to do and talk about a lot of things. The main theme that run through everything I did was being a ‘non-conformist’ especially to frivolities that immensely affected lives, daring to be different, daring to own your voice when the whole world is forcing you to be an echo. My decision to quit my fitness blog may seem like a defeat to what I have preached all these years but it is not so. Sometimes, it is important to choose your battles, to shed off unnecessary weight to have enough strength to fight dire battles. My fitness blog was a way of motivating others to join the fitness journey as I documented how fun it could be even without a proper gym, protein supplements and with a body type such as mine; ectomorphic which is the most difficult body type to build. People were inspired by my growth considering these limitations. Apart from the constant struggle to stick to my workout routine, I also had to deal with stereotypical and disrespectful individuals. Before I went deep into my fitness blog which grew up to over 20k followers on instagram (still dwindling to about 16k when I stopped), I had friends and even family talk about what people thought about fitness people. I thought it was just ridiculous. It made no sense to me at all at first till I lived it. It’s absolutely ridiculous that it was an open secret that most fitness people are sex workers, ‘sex positive’, are not ‘relationship’ or family oriented, non-religious. Am I the only one or you see how ridiculous this sounds too? As if people are born with dumbells in their hands…as if it’s genetic. The generalization is just disgusting and shallow. Of course I have nothing against individuals who choose their own path whatever it may be but to stereo typically put all fitness persons under one umbrella is quite daft. Every individual is different; fitness people marry, faithful to their partners, muslim, virgin, chaste, career persons, corporate individuals, fathers, name it! Didn’t think I needed to say this but we live in a world where there are more narrow minded individuals than open minded ones. More people who judge others even before knowing them and even worse if they know them; choosing to believe the superficial than what they actually know. Richard Siaw

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Does it hurt to lose your virginity?

The first time you have vaginal sex, it may hurt, or feel good, or both. There might be pain and bleeding the first time a penis or fingers go into your vagina, but it doesn’t happen to everybody. Some people naturally have more hymenal tissue than others — this pain and bleeding can happen when their hymen gets stretched. If pain and bleeding doesn’t get better after the first time you have vaginal sex (penis-in-vagina), you can slowly stretch your hymen tissue with your fingers over time to make it less painful. In rare cases, people may need to see a doctor for a small procedure to open their hymen. If you’re worried about your hymen or have pain during sex, talk with your doctor or visit your local Planned Parenthood health center. You may also have pain or irritation during vaginal sex if your vagina isn’t lubricated (wet) enough. It’s totally normal to not have a lot of vaginal lubrication, and it doesn’t mean anything’s wrong with you or your partner. Using lube can help make sex more comfortable. It may also help to wait until you’re fully turned-on before putting anything in your vagina. For people with a penis, penis-in-vagina sex isn’t usually painful. Sometimes friction during sex causes irritation on your penis, but using lube can fix this. If you have pain in your penis or genitals during sex, it could be a sign that something’s wrong. Go to a nurse, doctor, or your local Planned Parenthood health center to get checked out. Anal sex may hurt the first time (and every time) if you don’t use lube. The skin on your anus and rectum is delicate, and it doesn’t make its own lubrication the way vaginas do. So using lube reduces friction, which helps prevent pain and tearing. Going slowly and making sure you’re relaxed are also important. Some people don’t ever like the way anal sex feels, even if they do all these things — that’s totally normal and okay. Nobody should have sex that feels uncomfortable or painful. If something hurts, stop. And if you’re having pain during any type of sex that doesn’t go away, visit your doctor or your local Planned Parenthood health center. Richard Siaw

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Unspoken stories from Africa. Do you believe in the power of Vudu? Do you know there is a scientific explanation for this? Penis captivus allegedly occurs when a penis becomes stuck in a vagina during sexual intercourse. Reports of this happening are incredibly rare. Very few reports have documented the existence of penis captivus. What reports there are have led many people to question whether it really happens. The penis becoming stuck in the vagina is one possible outcome of a condition called vaginismus, in which the vagina involuntarily closes due to muscle spasms in the pelvic floor. If penis captivus occurs, the effect is likely very temporary. If both partners relax and give it some time, the muscles should relax, allowing the couple to separate. Just like this, a lot of inexplicable things for Africans are spiritualized. We should cultivate the culture of research than spiritual speculations as an upcoming generation of VOIICEs in Africa. Richard Siaw

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About Me

Richard Siaw

I am a writer, voice over artiste, speaker and human rights advocate.

He studied General Arts in Akosombo International Senior High School with Literature, History, Economics and Music as his electives. He went on to study Human Resource Management at Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration. He has been a freelance writer, voice over artiste and human rights advocate ever since. His passion for people and skills in communication are his outstanding notable trait in his life. He is the Founder of VOIICE, an inclusive community that runs a Foundation that fights gender based violence and it's related mental health issues through awareness creation and support.



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