With each tick,the reaper takes a step closer
And every tock,goodbyes left unsaid
With each sunrise,dread awakens
Every sunset,pillows awaiting tearsAre you still silent?
Will you not speak?
For me? For our children?
For you?My prayers keep returning
All answered,all undone by silence
The Father speaks daily in response
But we remain unvoicedIn the presence of evil
In the presence of the yokes
In the presence of the slavemasters
In the presence of menDo you still hold your peace?
The fires have ravaged the foundation
Your lips quiver
Yet no sound comesI have to close my eyes
I cannot bear the pain
Of standing alone
Of hiding my face
Your painIf not for love
If not for the future
If not for me
Speak,my love,speak
Speak for youBecause my voice has reached its limit
While yours growls within you
Because mine alone isn’t enough
And together the evil can be stilled




Richard Siaw

Shai Hills Hangout
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